Friction and mindful blogging

In a thought-provoking post called Friction and silo dead-ends Manton Reece discusses the importance of friction in reducing fake news:
I believe in a middle-ground solution. Make it easier to post to your blog.
But don’t make thoughtless re-sharing completely frictionless. That’s what leads to fake news spreading, why hateful tweets are exposed in algorithmic trends, and why safe communities must have some amount of curation.
A while back I posted about mindful blogging and discussed the importance of putting thought into posts:
Clicking a link to Like or Favourite favourite takes a single second, and even less thought. People do it routinely, move on and often give no more thought whatsoever to the topic.
I think Manton is right – blogging should be easy, but should still require more thought that reading a headline, clicking like or share and moving on.